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Renewable Silica

Renewable Silica is a sustainable and disruptive filler produced from rice husk ash, with a low heavy metal content, high dispersion and invariant colour. The Renewable Silica is used as matting agent, carrier of additives, ticking or anti-settling/anti-caking agent.


What are the benefits and the features of Renewable Silica?

  • Good dispersibility, high rubber reinforcement and processing performance
  • Low metal content, high purity product and few impurities
  • Environmental protective product from a clean production
  • High absorption value and high particle hardness

 For which applications can Renewable Silica be used?

  • Rubber- and PVC compounding
  • Feed, food and pharmaceutical industry
  • Paint, Inks and Coatings
  • Paper making market
  • Oral & Cosmetic care