+ 31 72 515 70 64 info@joss.nl
Tackifying Resins

Rosin Soaps (Burez)

Burez® soaps are based upon disproportionated and modified rosins, saponified with sodium or potassium hydroxide. All our soaps have good stability and excellent resistance to crystallization and are available in a range of differing solids and viscosities. The Burez range has been mainly designed for three specific applications: emulsion polymerization, organic pigment production and wet glue formulations.


Markets and applications:

  • Emulsifiers for the manufacture of SBR, Polychloroprene rubber, ABS, PVC, and other specialty rubbers
  • Modifier/tackifier in wet glues
  • Pigment coating
  • Lubricant
  • Plasticize

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to make an inquiry.

Martijn Bloothoofd

: mbloothoofd@joss.nl
: +31 (0) 72 5140753